Monday, June 27, 2016

Now is the time to Start Thinking About College and Financial Aid

If you are a student or parent of a student in the California bay Area, from San Francisco to the South Bay or East Bay, you need to start thinking about college and how to afford college.

College is not inexpensive. In fact, it could be the most financially expensive thing you will ever do in your entire lifetime, possibly more expensive than purchasing a home.

The first step you need to make is to start saving for college. There are many ways to do this. One way is to use a 529 account. Consult your financial adviser to determine if a 519 is right for you and your family. You can find out more about 529 accounts in California at

Once you are getting closer to high school age, you might want to start thinking about applying for financial aid, grants, loans and scholarships. Make sure you speak to representatives at your California Bay Area high school.

You can also investigate the financial aid details at well-known websites. You can review information at California Student Aid Commission at this website, and for FAFSA you should go here.

College may seem a long way away for you or your child, but given how much it costs, you should do as much planning as possible long before any deadlines. Good luck!